Substitutes for Polenta

Polenta, a versatile Italian staple made from ground cornmeal, has several substitutes that can be categorized based on different needs such as taste, cost, and accessibility. Here are the options for each category:

Best: Corn Grits

Corn grits are the best substitute for polenta. They are made from a similar process but are usually ground to a coarser texture. Corn grits, like polenta, can absorb flavours well and offer a similar corn-based, creamy texture when cooked.

How to Use

  • Substitute corn grits for polenta in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Cook them with water, milk, or broth until they reach a creamy consistency.
  • Best used in recipes where polenta serves as a base for sauces or as a side dish.

Cheapest: Masa Harina

Masa harina, a type of corn flour used in Mexican cooking, is a cost-effective substitute. It’s finer than traditional polenta but can be used to make a similar cornmeal base. It’s widely used in making tortillas and tamales but can adapt well to recipes calling for polenta.

How to Use

  • Use a bit less water or broth than you would with polenta, as masa harina absorbs more liquid.
  • Cook until it reaches the desired consistency.
  • Ideal for a base in casseroles or as a thickener in soups and stews.

Tastiest: Cream of Wheat

For a similar creamy texture with a different flavour profile, Cream of Wheat is a delicious alternative. It’s made from wheat semolina and offers a smoother texture compared to the grainy consistency of polenta.

How to Use

  • Cook Cream of Wheat according to package instructions, substituting it for polenta.
  • It can be flavoured with cheese, herbs, or spices.
  • Best used in dishes where a creamy, smooth texture is desired.

Most Accessible: Couscous

Couscous, though differing in origin and texture, is an accessible alternative available in most grocery stores. It offers a quick-cooking grain option, though it lacks the distinct corn flavour of polenta.

How to Use

  • Prepare couscous according to package instructions.
  • Use as a base for sauces or in recipes where polenta is used as a grain accompaniment.
  • Not ideal for recipes that require the creamy texture of cooked polenta.

Most Unusual: Ground Oats

Ground oats or oat flour provide an unusual yet effective gluten-free substitute for polenta. They offer a different flavour but can mimic the creamy texture of cooked polenta when prepared properly.

How to Use

  • Use ground oats in a slightly higher ratio than polenta, as they may absorb more liquid.
  • Cook with water or milk until creamy.
  • Suitable for breakfast dishes or as a base for savoury toppings.