Substitutes for Guanciale

Guanciale, an Italian cured meat made from pork jowl or cheeks, is prized for its rich flavour and fat content. If you’re looking for substitutes for guanciale, here are some options across various categories:

Best: Pancetta

Pancetta is the best substitute for guanciale in terms of both texture and flavour. Although it’s made from pork belly rather than jowl, pancetta offers a similar balance of fat and meat, with a rich, savoury flavour. It’s commonly used in many of the same Italian dishes as guanciale.

How to Use

  • Dice pancetta and render it slowly to release its fat, just as you would with guanciale.
  • Use in a 1:1 ratio for recipes like pasta carbonara, amatriciana, or as a flavourful addition to stews and soups.

Cheapest: Bacon

Regular bacon, while more smoky in flavour compared to the milder guanciale, is a more affordable and widely available substitute. It adds a similar richness and depth of flavour to dishes.

How to Use

  • Choose a less smoky bacon if possible, and dice it before cooking.
  • Use it in slightly smaller quantities than guanciale, as its flavour can be more overpowering.
  • Ideal for pasta dishes, salads, and to add a savoury depth to sauces.

Tastiest: Salt Pork

Salt pork, cured with salt but not smoked, can be a tasty alternative. It’s fattier than guanciale and pancetta, which makes it incredibly flavourful when rendered down in cooking.

How to Use

  • Dice the salt pork and render it out slowly over low heat to release the fat.
  • Use in moderation due to its high fat content.
  • Great for adding richness to soups, stews, and traditional Italian pasta dishes.

Most Accessible: Prosciutto

Prosciutto, although leaner and cured differently than guanciale, is a more accessible alternative. Its delicate flavour and texture can still enrich dishes, although it lacks the distinct fattiness of guanciale.

How to Use

  • Dice prosciutto and add it towards the end of cooking to prevent it from becoming too tough.
  • Use sparingly, as it’s less fatty and has a more pronounced flavour.
  • Suitable for adding a touch of savoury flavour to pasta dishes, salads, and as a pizza topping.

Most Unusual: Duck Bacon

Duck bacon, made from duck breast, offers a unique and gourmet alternative to guanciale. It has a rich flavour and a different fat profile, adding a luxurious twist to any dish.

How to Use

  • Cook duck bacon as you would regular bacon, allowing the fat to render.
  • Use in smaller quantities due to its strong flavour.
  • Excellent in sophisticated pasta dishes, risottos, and as an accompaniment to vegetables.