4 Substitutes for Ketchup

Ketchup is one of the most popular food condiments used in the western world. It is most often paired with fast foods and comfort dishes but can also be used as a last-minute substitute for a few tomato-based ingredients such as Italian sauce.

There are going to be those times when you’ve got the perfectly cooked portion of chips but have run out of ketchup. What can you use instead to complete this perfect dish?

Our 4 Substitutes for Ketchup

Though you may not realise it when pairing the condiment with other foods, ketchup is quite acidic. This is paired with its very sweet flavour – both from its tomato base and additional sugars – making for a very delicious sauce.

Here are our top 4 substitutes for ketchup:

1) Salsa

Like ketchup, salsa is a sweet combination of flavours but tends to be less processed than ketchup.

It comes in a range of flavours and heat levels so make sure to get the type that you like the taste of the most. In terms of replicating the taste of ketchup, salsa roja works best but you can use any salsa and still get a similar flavour.

Salsa is already a popular pairing for eggs and nachos but is being incorporated into a lot more comfort foods in recent years due to being a healthier choice of condiment.

It is a naturally sweet mix and so does not require as much sugar to make as ketchup. Salsa does have a tomato base like ketchup but will capture the fresh tomato flavour better than ketchup.

Get the Right Blend
Though you can change the flavour of the salsa you use and still get hints of ketchup, you will want to make sure to buy a smooth salsa. Most varieties are chunky, but to use salsa in the same way you would ketchup, make sure to get one that is the same consistency.

2) BBQ Sauce

Ketchup usually has a hint of spice, but BBQ sauce has more of a kick than ketchup. Not because it is spicy (though in some cases it can be), but because of its smoky flavour.

A lot of ketchup lovers like BBQ sauce as well because BBQ sauce often uses ketchup as one of its main base ingredients. However, BBQ sauce is a lot richer due to its added ingredients and smoky tones.

BBQ sauce is also a condiment paired with a lot of comfort or fast foods but is also often used in marinades to create quick and easy BBQ flavoured meats.

It is the same texture as ketchup and will work well in any dish or food that require the use of ketchup.

Balance Out the Smokiness
To balance out smoky flavours, extra sweetness is usually used. But in the case of BBQ sauce, that could create an overly sweet condiment. Instead, mix BBQ sauce in with some tomato paste to neutralise the smokiness if you are not a fan of the flavour.

3) Sriracha

Sriracha is considerably spicier than ketchup but is used in the same way: As a condiment for fast or comfort food. It is also used as a topping for sandwiches or salads or to add some quick spice to sauces.

Despite its spicy kick, sriracha is just as sweet as ketchup. This is because it uses the same tomato base as ketchup, just with an added kick.

A few years ago, you may have had some difficulty finding sriracha in English supermarkets or anywhere outside of Asia. But it has grown rapidly in popularity over the last few years and is now widely available for a very reasonable price.

Reduce the Spice
If you aren’t a big fan of spicy food, then you can use less sriracha in your food. Or dilute the spice with some water.

4) Tomato Paste

The main issue with using tomato paste as a substitute for tomato sauce is that the texture is entirely different.

Tomato paste is incredibly thick, made by cooking down tomatoes until little moisture is left. This means that you will have to add water to thin the paste out to use it as a condiment.

Water will also help to dilute the overly rich tomato flavour of the paste, making it more palatable.

Tomato paste is a very healthy choice for a ketchup substitute. It is a pure tomato product with no added sodium or sugar.

However, because it lacks these additives, it is not as flavourful as ketchup. This makes it more suited to use in sauces rather than as a condiment.

Add Your Own Sweetness
By adding your own honey or sugar, you can make tomato paste just as sweet as ketchup, making it better when used as a condiment.

Other Substitutes for Ketchup

If you do not have the above substitutes to hand but your dish still requires the flavours of ketchup to really make it come to life, here are a few more substitutes that capture parts of ketchup’s flavour:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar – Used in the production of ketchup to give it its acidity, apple cider vinegar can create a slight tanginess in a sauce if used in moderation. But only when making a sauce!
  • Tomato Jam – Ketchup is sweet, but tomato jam is sweeter. It can be used as a condiment or dip but will not have the complex acidity of ketchup.


Ketchup is such a staple in every home that you will probably run out of it at some point. Your best bet at replicating ketchup in a dish is to use another condiment or dip such as salsa which is also made with a tomato base.