Substitutes for Glucose Syrup

Glucose syrup, a sweet, thick liquid made from the hydrolysis of starch, is commonly used in confectionery, baking, and desserts. Here are some substitutes for glucose syrup across different categories:

Best: Corn Syrup

Corn syrup is the best substitute for glucose syrup as it shares a similar chemical composition and consistency. It’s a versatile sweetener with a mild flavour, making it suitable for candy making, baking, and glazes where glucose syrup is typically used.

How to Use

  • Substitute corn syrup for glucose syrup in a 1:1 ratio.
  • It works well in recipes that require a thick, sweet ingredient that doesn’t crystallize easily, like in candy making or icing.

Cheapest: Honey

Honey is a more affordable and readily available substitute. It’s sweeter and has a distinct flavour compared to glucose syrup, but can be used in many of the same applications, such as baking and glazes.

How to Use

  • Use honey in slightly less quantity than glucose syrup as it is sweeter.
  • Ideal for baked goods, sauces, and dressings.
  • Keep in mind that honey can influence the flavour of the final product.

Tastiest: Maple Syrup

Maple syrup, with its unique and rich flavour, can be a delicious alternative to glucose syrup. It’s perfect for adding sweetness and a distinct maple taste to baked goods, pancakes, and desserts.

How to Use

  • Use maple syrup in equal measure or slightly less than glucose syrup, depending on your sweetness preference.
  • Suitable for breakfast items, desserts, and as a sweetener in beverages.
  • Its flavour is more pronounced, so it’s best used in dishes where its taste can be appreciated.

Most Accessible: Golden Syrup

Golden syrup is widely accessible and works well as a substitute for glucose syrup. It has a similar consistency and sweet taste, though with a light, buttery flavour.

How to Use

  • Substitute golden syrup for glucose syrup in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Great for baking, candy making, and dessert toppings.
  • It can add a light caramel flavour to recipes.

Most Unusual: Agave Syrup

Agave syrup offers an unusual but effective alternative. It’s sweeter than glucose syrup and has a thinner consistency, but can be used in similar applications, especially in vegan and health-conscious recipes.

How to Use

  • Use agave syrup in a smaller quantity than glucose syrup due to its higher sweetness.
  • Ideal for sweetening beverages, desserts, and as a syrup in breakfast dishes.
  • Its mild flavour makes it versatile, though the texture is less viscous.