6 Substitutes for Chicory

Chicory has many uses. From its bitter, crunchy leaves, to its root which is often roasted and ground into coffee.

It also comes in many forms. However, outside of the winter seasons, chicory is hard to find in any form. So, what can you use instead?

Our 6 Substitutes for Chicory

When choosing a chicory substitute, bitterness and texture are important. It is its unique flavour profile that people love.

Here are our top 6 substitutes for chicory:

1) Rocket (Or Arugula)

Some claim rocket has more of a bite than chicory leaves, but it is still a good alternative to chicory in cold dishes. Rocket is also inexpensive. So, if you don’t like the taste, you won’t be wasting money.

Rocket is a leafy green with many of the same qualities of chicory. It just lacks the bitterness that chicory leaves have.

Unlike other leafy greens, rocket does not fare well with heat, so only use it as a substitutive in salads or sandwiches.

Use Quickly
The issue with rocket is that it tends to wilt within a few days, even when kept in a fridge.

Typically, you can use rocket on a 1:1 ratio for chicory leaves, but if it begins to wilt then use as much as you want. It can never hurt to have too many leafy greens in a salad!

2) Radicchio

Compared to the leaves of chicory, radicchio holds more of a bitter aftertaste rather than being bitter all the way through consumption.

Radicchio is very crunchy and can diversify any dishes’ texture. This is also helped by the two shape varieties that radicchio is sold as (round and oval), which can make your plate look more interesting.  

Radicchio can be used in an array of dishes and takes to heat very well. It can be cooked, braised, or eaten raw so can replace chicory in any recipe.

Balance Out the Bitterness
If you would prefer to not experience the bitter after taste of radicchio, pair it with a tangy cheese or zingy, acidic dressing. These will balance out its flavour and cancel out the bitterness.

3) Escarole (or Endive)

A popular ingredient in French recipes, escarole is part of the chicory family and so holds many of the same qualities as chicory leaves.

It has a punchy flavour but lacks the strong bitterness of chicory, even when eaten raw. 

The crunchy, crispy escarole makes it a good replacement for chicory leaves in salads or as a cold dish topping. However, it can be used for many purposes.

Cook to Mellow the Flavour
Though best used when raw, escarole takes on a mellow taste when cooked or baked. This makes it a good side dish when serving chicken or fish.

4) Romaine Lettuce

Even though romaine lettuce doesn’t offer the same aesthetic as chicory, it does act as a good substitute for anyone who dislikes the flavour of chicory but still wants the texture.

Romaine lettuce is already a staple ingredient in many salads and summer cold dishes. It is probably an ingredient you have already worked with.

It is very cheap and easy to find food all year round. All supermarkets will stock romaine lettuce.

Keep It Simple
Due to romaine lettuce being such a basic ingredient, many people make the mistake of trying to overcomplete its use.

All you need to do is rinse and chop the lettuce before throwing it into your salad mix. You can then top it with a salad dressing, but romaine lettuce provides enough flavour to make your salad tasty.

5) Watercress

If you want the slight kick that chicory leaves provide a cold dish, then the slight peppery taste of watercress will serve you well.

Watercress is more of a neutrally flavoured substitute to chicory leaves than rocket or escarole, but there is a peppery after taste that makes it a delicious treat.

It also provides that signature crunch to salads that chicory does. Though it is also a popular sandwich filler when paired with egg or other salad ingredients.  

Grow Your Own
Watercress is exceedingly simple to grow – whether you have green fingers or not. Simply get some watercress seeds from your local supermarket, stick them in a pot with some soil and water them regularly.

Soon you will have a constant chicory substitute right on your window sill with very little maintenance needed.

6) Dandelion Root

When you are wanting a cheaper, easier to find alternative to chicory coffee, dandelion root is a perfect choice.

The dandelion root will brew to create a dark tasting coffee without the bitterness of black coffee.

Just like chicory, you can buy dandelion root both as pre-mixed instant coffee or as loose leaves. The leaves themselves are a caffeine-free alternative and are also cheaper than you would expect.

Try in Salads
Dandelion roots are not just good for brewing coffee but also taste sweet when eaten raw in salads.

You may want to add some lemon juice to your salads to provide some of the acidity that dandelion root lacks, but that is up to you.

Other Substitutes for Chicory

If you are unable to find the more unique substitutes on this list, try the following instead:

  • Lettuce – Though romaine is the best lettuce substitute for chicory leaves, any kind of lettuce you can get your hands on will work well as a cold dish substitute
  • Caffein-Free Coffee – If you are wanting the caffeine-free benefits of chicory, then buy caffeine free instant coffee. It will not provide that unique chicory taste but will have the same benefits


The signature crunch and slight bitterness of chicory leaves can be replicated with a variety of other leafy greens, especially rocket.

Though if you are looking for a chicory coffee alternative, then dandelion root will work nicely.