Substitutes for American Cheese

American cheese, known for its creamy texture and ability to melt smoothly, is a staple in many classic American dishes. If you’re looking for substitutes for American cheese, here are some options across different categories:

Best: Cheddar Cheese

Cheddar cheese is the best substitute for American cheese in terms of flavour and versatility. Mild or medium cheddar can closely match the taste of American cheese and melts well, making it suitable for sandwiches, burgers, and macaroni and cheese.

How to Use

  • Use sliced or grated cheddar cheese in place of American cheese.
  • It’s ideal for grilled cheese sandwiches, cheeseburgers, and as a topping for various dishes.
  • Keep in mind that aged cheddar may be less smooth when melted compared to American cheese.

Cheapest: Colby Cheese

Colby cheese, a semi-hard cow’s milk cheese, is a more affordable alternative. It has a mild flavour similar to American cheese and melts well, making it suitable for cooking and baking.

How to Use

  • Use Colby cheese in the same way as American cheese for melting over dishes or in sandwiches.
  • It can be used in slices or shredded, depending on the recipe.

Tastiest: Gouda Cheese

Gouda cheese, especially young Gouda, offers a delicious alternative with a slightly sweet, nutty flavour. It melts smoothly, making it great for dishes where a creamier, more flavourful cheese is desired.

How to Use

  • Substitute Gouda for American cheese in sandwiches, mac and cheese, or as a melted topping.
  • Its rich flavour is particularly good in gourmet burgers and grilled sandwiches.

Most Accessible: Mozzarella Cheese

Mozzarella cheese, widely available and known for its excellent melting qualities, is a suitable substitute for American cheese. It has a mild flavour and a stretchy texture when melted, ideal for pizzas, lasagnas, and casseroles.

How to Use

  • Use mozzarella in sliced or shredded form.
  • It’s perfect for melting over dishes where a mild, creamy cheese is needed.
  • Great for Italian dishes as well as American-style sandwiches and burgers.

Most Unusual: Provolone Cheese

Provolone cheese offers a unique but effective substitute with its slightly tangy and sweet flavour. It melts well and can add an interesting taste to dishes that typically use American cheese.

How to Use

  • Slice or shred provolone for use in sandwiches, burgers, or melted over dishes.
  • It brings a distinct flavour that works well in hot and cold sandwiches, as well as in baked pasta dishes.